Changing Directions in Bangladesh: a Bride’s Courageous Walk

“If boys can bring girls to marriage, why can’t girls?” she asked BBC Bengali in the days after her wedding to Tariqul Islam had gone viral!

Customs, especially those around gender, tend to die hard–sometimes they need a good hard push. Making change for,the better is more difficult than just writing a law, because social attitudes affect all aspects of a person’s life. Each woman is presented at birth with a set of conventions she must navigate to have a full life. Each female life stage is usually marked and ritualized in some way, and leads the girl into an increasingly tighter web of gendered restrictions.

So what better time to “reverse the curse” and forge new conventions that during one of these crucial “becoming a woman” milestones?

Read how one Bangladesh Bride, Khadizah Khushi, used traditional wedding customs to chart a new path for the women of her people!

Read more about here!

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